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Solutions for Radio that don't cost the earth


We're Radiofinity, and we're in the business of using technology to make radio stations easier to run. Whether it's streaming, smart speaker apps, or entire station management solutions, we're passionate about giving you the tools you need to maximise your station's impact.

Our tools evolved from real-world management of radio stations. Our development and learning experiences could help you. Contact us and we'll be happy to help - if you're local, then coffee is on us.

Total Station is our station management platform

Our Total Station platform is a broad platform to help manage radio stations. Including content management, social media integration, facilities bookings, Forums, and much more, it's a one-stop solution to manage your station's activities. Assign users to roles and groups, allowing you to fine tune the access for your team.

Our Alexa skills are fully integrated with Total Station, allowing you to relay now playing information on your skill, add pre-rolls, and even deliver a secondary service dynamically through your core skill. All from one place.

Wonder how flexible it can be? This site is built on our Total Station engine. 

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